PinnedGraff's PlaceinPredictOpen Source Metaphysical Theories and Strategies to be Empirically Tested: ALLCJun 10Jun 10
Graff's PlaceinDataDrivenInvestorMemecoins and the Future of Finance: How $Bozo is Connected to EverythingThe $Bozo logo.Jun 4Jun 4
Graff's PlaceinDataDrivenInvestorA Brief History of $Bozo: Painting the Perception of Value in a MemecoinI do not expect everyone to read this, nor understand it. I am doing it for historical sake, so that some can understand the concept one…Jan 27Jan 27
Graff's PlaceThe United States of Israel: A Post-Apocalyptic ManifestoThe beauty of truth is that people know it automatically when they see or read it. Truth is truth.Feb 3, 2020Feb 3, 2020
Graff's PlaceVolunteering with Missionaries of Charity, Heading to a Leprosy Colony, and Setting Plans for the…Day 43Jun 3, 2015Jun 3, 2015
Graff's PlaceA Call to Action from God“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill…Jun 3, 2015Jun 3, 2015