The United States of Israel: A Post-Apocalyptic Manifesto

Graff's Place
26 min readFeb 3, 2020


The beauty of truth is that people know it automatically when they see or read it. Truth is truth.

If one practices their own beliefs and they do not have a negative effect on their neighbor who is not practicing the same, there is no problem with religion. But if one begins to infringe to the point that it becomes a danger or threatens the very survival of another, the religion has moved into a different territory. I can be against a specific action or group within a specific religion without being against the religion as a whole. And furthermore being against a specific group or action within a religion does not mean that one automatically has any hate whatsoever for that religion. Thus one can be against without being “anti.” This is an important point to remember for anyone who would claim this to be a “hate” post. On the other hand, this post comes with a pure intention of one day being free from violence, hatred, and oppression worldwide as long as the sun still shines.

This article is not meant to be seen as anti-Semitic or anti-religious.

When I talk about different types of religious people, I can be against them without having any form of hate. Hatred for any type of religion is wrong. But being against a religion is not only acceptable but necessary for a functioning reasonable world. Being against a Jewish idea is not anti-Semitic. Having hatred just to hate for no reason is anti-Semitic. It is important to understand the difference. I am constructively criticizing the objectively negative aspects of all apocalyptic eschatological (end of times) ideologies.

As a historian, if one can see the entire picture of history from the present until the past, one can then begin to see the “primary causes” of how and why we got to the point that we are at. If one is educated or knowledgeable enough about the correct subjects, and can be objective about where we currently are at, it is easy to see why we are in the situation that we are in globally and how we got here.

My primary argument of why we are here at this moment is because of a push by religious extremists, within multiple religions, to force upon the world an apocalyptic timeline. This would inevitably lead to a world that can never return to a seemingly “normal” existence. The push itself has brought us into a frame of mind that we lost any idea of what “normal” was long ago. This “pushing of the apocalypse” has been done primarily to fulfill their own prophecies even if it meant going to extreme methods to do so. Accomplishing this would, in essence, allow them to control the narrative for an indefinite length of time into the future. All of history can be seen in this light leading to the point that we are currently at. Extremists want to see an “ending” to the book of life, even if that “ending” cannot actually occur. In their own delusional minds, they believe that it must occur, for it was always prophesied. Instead of hoping for it, they push for it. The credibility of these religions calling for an apocalypse has been shattered and ruined by former apocalyptic preachers for thousands of years, but they have determined that instead of waiting, in order to be credible and not believe they have wasted their entire lives, they would cause it to happen.

My secondary argument is that this “window” and long term plan to bring about the apocalypse is currently passing us and will ultimately not work out. Thus, the happy ending of this post is that we have already entered the post-apocalyptic age even if we are not yet aware of it.

Why are some people anti-Semitic or anti-religious? Because people, in general, are against those who live their lives in a delusional state. When Jews began to not only wait for the Messiah and the apocalypse, but hope for the Messiah and apocalypse, and eventually push for the Messiah and apocalypse, you can see the transition that occurred from “acceptance” of delusion to “hatred” of delusion. Now a large percentage of Jews do not know what they want or stand for with a small select group that has actively pushed for the apocalypse to happen in many ways. The hatred that has been built for Jews is the hatred for willful delusion and ignorance.

There are Jews who push for the apocalypse and the coming of the Messiah, and Jews who don’t. There are Christians who push for the apocalypse and the second coming of Jesus, and those who don’t. There are Muslims who push for the return of the Mahdi and those that don’t. Not all Jews, Christians, and Muslims are wrong. Only the ones who push for something to occur that can harm and destroy others. Furthermore, Jews, Christians, and Muslims should not support other Jews, Christians, and Muslims who do support and push for the apocalypse and the coming or return of any specific individual. They should identify who is living in and supporting delusion and who is not. This is how we move forward.

The Post-Apocalyptic age is already upon us.

One may wonder, “Oh but the apocalypse has not occurred! How can we be in a post-apocalyptic age?”

I will argue we are in the post-apocalyptic age because we have come to a point where people will be forced to stop pushing for the apocalypse to happen. This is the great delusion that we have lived under for so long. This world has been built to be destroyed by delusional individuals in high levels of power who are pushing for the apocalypse to occur. It is why the world feels so hollow because it was built to be destroyed. None of our politicians are coming up with long term solutions for how to fix our economies, our banking systems, our healthcare, our prison populations, our environment, or our infrastructure, just to name a few. That is because they were never built to last.

The separation of religion and delusional eschatological theories must take place for the world to move forward. Otherwise, we will always be moving backward. This major point has alluded us for so long. The world does not necessarily need to be anti-religious, but we should all be anti-apocalyptic.

Where Israel goes off the edge of sanity is that they feel so strongly in their premises of waiting for the Moshiach to come that they believe it is their right to do anything that they believe necessary in order to force him to come faster. That is where a simple premise that one can live by becomes a dangerous premise that affects all of humanity. This push for power to be able to do whatever they want to do in order to bring upon their messiah is the most dangerous mindset that perhaps has ever been on this earth. In the end, they are justifying their pursuit of power and control over the earth by saying that they are in the right because they are actually trying to bring about the Moshiach. This is the greatest travesty of our historical age.

The original Jewish belief in the Messiah was that one day he was going to come and all they could do was wait. This belief itself is fine. I do not necessarily believe that a messiah will come, but it is ok if someone else does. They were free to believe whatever they wanted as long as they submitted to God and did not attempt to forcibly bring him into existence. When the group began to forcibly bring upon the Messiah, then this incorrect premise became dangerous to the entire world. My argument is that this is basically where we started to go downhill quickly in all regards historically speaking. The Jews had an incorrect premise, but they stayed to themselves and submitted to God, which means they submitted to an outside authority and life went on. If they wanted to go on believing this that was fine. But when they started to actively push for the Messiah, and slowly built power across the world which eventually led to the establishment of Israel, they came to a time where they went too far.

How do we stop this? How do we stop them from pushing for a messiah that will never come? How can we show them that they are actually using their religious beliefs as a justification to build power and control over others? How can they stop this never-ending pursuit? Can they stop pushing for the Messiah to come by force and still believe that the Messiah will come or must they stop believing in a messiah all together? Can they understand that just waiting on someone to come is actually a “cop-out” and a denigration of their own inherent power to live life without waiting on someone to come and lead them? Can they break free of their ingrained need to be a part of a collective? Can they become free-thinking individuals? Could it be that the highest level Jews know that a Messiah is not coming, but they continue to use the false premise of a messiah as a justification for doing whatever they would like to in the world?

My argument is that the apocalypse has already been averted so we are already in the post-apocalyptic age. The apocalypse has been pushed by so many because certain people wanted what they considered an “ending” or “greater purpose” to the world. It is like a book. People want to know the ending so they created their own ending.

Religion is not bad as long it doesn’t infringe on other people who want to live their lives separate from religion. When it starts to infringe on other people and puts their survival at risk this is when religion has gone too far. What must occur now is a reform movement that can explain to the Jews, Christians, and Muslims that their “push” for the apocalypse is the greatest sin, based on delusion, and wrong that can be done. The existence of God is undeniable to me and yet it does not mean that he must automatically want an apocalypse or the “end of times” to occur. They have perverted God’s existence by attempting to “write” an ending using their own supposed connections to God as their pretext and justification for heinous activity.

For thousands of years, people have lived believing in the apocalypse and that the Messiah was coming, or that they were, in fact, the Messiah themselves. Eventually, the believers in this delusion came together and instead of thinking that they were wrong they decided to just force the apocalypse to come, which would to their thinking automatically bring their messiah as well. This is the world we currently live in. A world ruled by delusion. A world built to be destroyed. That’s why our foundations are so empty and why our people are so weak and sick. We must come out of this mindset in order to survive and thrive.

The modern day version of Israel was built only for the purpose of attempting to fulfill prophecy and simultaneously bring upon the apocalypse. It was built in order to be destroyed. At the current moment, the leaders of Israel are trying to get countries like Russia or Iran to annihilate it and yet they won’t because these countries know what their plans really are. At this point they must feel nothing but pity for Israel. I would argue that if Israel still exists past the Netanyahu age, if he doesn’t win the election and perhaps goes to prison, we will have made it into the post-apocalyptic time period, as in post-pushing-for-apocalypse time period.

Ultimately, we cannot know why we are here on this earth or what we are supposed to do. All we have to do is find out what is worth doing and do it. Forever. We must be free ourselves of delusion when finding out what is worth doing and we must try not to force or tell others what they should consider worth doing. It is different for every human being.

There is no such thing as prophecy or seeing the future.

There is no prophecy except self-fulfilling prophecy. Someone had an idea, wrote it down or spread it around and the idea grew to eventually be a prophecy in a book, from which someone in the future used as a guideline to push for in order to convince others to join them in their cause. If people force prophecy to occur, there was nothing supernatural about it from the beginning. There was merely a delusion that was then pushed long enough to become the false predominant reality of a large group of people.

What is sad is that the majority of a specific religious group do not need to believe or have the same apocalyptic thoughts, nor urges to push or cause it. If members of the highest group who are in power believe in the delusion, they can push their foot soldiers into the direction that is needed even without these soldiers knowing why they are being guided how they are. My argument would be that a large section of the Israeli/Jewish/American/Christian-Zionist has had enough power in the military and political arena to push towards this goal single-mindedly since and before the inception of Israel.

In the multitude of religions available, there are plenty that are delusional. What separates the ongoing dilemma is what occurs when a collective group works single-mindedly towards a delusional goal. For some reason it has never been stopped. Perhaps because it could not be properly identified or labeled. Perhaps people have been too afraid of the potential backlash on their lives. We must call a spade a spade. Because of the lack of objectivity within the members of the collective, individuals have not been able to arise within and challenge the direction of the system. Indoctrination since the inception of the original idea has lead to the point we are at today.

The ancient urge of religion to falsely shape reality and build the narrative.

The new/old push to “shape reality” and “build narratives” upon the U.S. and the world stems from the original necessity of Jews to shape the realities and build the narratives of their children to stay a part of the Jewish tribe. What reason would Jews continue to be Jews unless they shared a common belief, even falsely, that separated them from the gentile? My argument is that their premises were incorrect from the beginning. This, along with stubbornness and the inability for individuals to freely think, has been their critical flaw. Instead of changing they chose to invert their flaws and call them strengths. It was a self-perpetuating evolution. I am sure that some leaders within Judaism have realized this throughout the ages, and yet they were so far in they couldn’t stop the path that they were on. They had to push forward. This “shaping of reality” as well as “building the narratives” started within their religion and now it has seeped into all corners of the globe.

What is the world supposed to do when one group is so entrenched into their beliefs, their realities, and their narratives that their individuals cannot break free? What is the world to do when a hive-mind collective, living in delusion, decides that they are the only sane ones and the rest of the world is crazy? What is the world to do when these groups make ultimatums that everyone else is either with them or against them? These types of questions have plagued humanity for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. They will continue to plague us unless we make a conscientious effort to examine and answer these questions.

It is not possible to fight an entrenched deluded collective with force. It is not possible to separate or eliminate a group like this from society. This has already been tried. The group must be convinced through logic, reason, and rationality that their premises are incorrect. That their reality has been shaped incorrectly since birth based on an original delusion. How does one go about this?

It must start with the concept of a messiah. It must start at the very beginning of their religion. It must start with asking why they blindly support their supposed elders and books? Every question must be asked. Why do you believe this? “Because my elders say so.” Why do your elders believe this? “Because it was passed down from their elders and our books say so.” Have you ever thought objectively about the concepts of Judaism? “No, I leave this to the religious elders.” Every religion must get to a point of not forcing its members to believe anything or anyone blindly.

This is a tough uphill battle to fight but this is the great battle of our age. To win the ideological war against an entire section of society who is entrenched in a false reality, not reality itself, but a falsely premised reality, where they blindly follow what their elders tell them. This is a battle that cannot be won easily. But we must try.

The entire world is only a reflection of the values of those in power.

“Man,” writes Ayn Rand, “faces two corollary, interdependent fields of action in which a constant exercise of choice and a constant creative process are demanded of him: the world around him and his own soul… Just as he has to produce the material values he needs to sustain his life, so he has to acquire the values of character that enable him to sustain it and that make his life worth living… He has to… survive by shaping the world and himself in the image of his values.”

In essence, the entire world is only a reflection of the values of those in power. This is the statement that I’ve been looking for but not been able to say. If the world has gone to shit, that means we can see who has shaped this world based on seeing what certain groups’ values are. We can more or less see who is in control of the world based upon looking at the values of those people.

It is easy to see that a transition occurred in the world around the turn of the century in the 1900s. This means what occurred was some sort of a value shift. Who or what occurred to create this value shift and what was the value shift? I would argue that it was primarily the Jewish value shift. They were always a powerful group because of their close connections to each other. They shared common values. But these values changed radically during this time. Prior to the 1900s, there was only a small select group who were actually Zionists. I would take it further and say there was only a small select group who believed in actually “purposefully” changing the world instead of submitting to God’s will. Their values used to include being patient. The new value became “forcing transformation.” This value change is at the heart of everything wrong in the world today.

There is nothing wrong with a value shift of patience to “forcing transformation,” but there is if one’s primary “belief system” is not based upon reality, but an illusion, or delusion. That is at the heart of where we are today globally. The value shift of this close-knit group based upon delusion has led us to the point that we currently are at.

The answer would be to change not necessarily the beliefs of the Jewish people, but the values of the Jewish people. They must transform back into a state of “patience” awaiting their messiah, rather than forcibly pushing for their messiah. Or they must realize that their original premises were incorrect. This would, in essence, give them time to eventually realize that their primary belief is based upon an ancient delusion, that their elders and the rabbis have blindly followed because they were also brought up with this belief since they were born.

The supra-majority of the rabbinical sect lives in extreme luxury during this day and age, in Israel and in other countries, compared to the ways that rabbis lived in the past. Why would they risk changing their values or beliefs if it meant risking losing this state of luxury? Why would they want to go back when their power is increasing across the world daily? Can they not realize that living in a false reality, but in luxury, can never be as good as living in true reality, but much simpler? If they could realize that their values have changed for the worse and if they could realize that they will in essence “put out” their own religion if they continue on their current path, the rabbis could change their ways and their teachings for all of Judaism. This might be the only path.

The Stages of Becoming a Pusher

The Jews for many years believed in submitting themselves to God’s will. They were never supposed to “push for the apocalypse” or to try and bring upon their savior figure. At some undetermined date or time, the leadership decided to change from “believers” to “pushers.” The world has never been the same since they decided to take matters into their own hands. Their entire eschatology is based upon speculation and delusion. It is like a form of mental illness passed down throughout the ages has become a certainty that some future person will come and guide their people and will build a new temple. This is the struggle that we must all take part in. Those who are objective and can see the truth must convince them of their wrong-doings. This is the only way to get anyone to change. Any form of physical violence against the Jews will only strengthen them. All religions strengthen when they are attacked or there is a threat.

There are three stages that it takes for one to get to a point of “pushing for the apocalypse.” The first is believing in the possibility that an apocalypse can occur, usually coinciding with the appearance or return of a certain awaited savior. If one had never grown up around religion or recent pop culture, one would have no prior connotation of what an apocalypse was, much more to believe one was coming. The second stage is hoping for an apocalypse and the appearance of some individual. For the Jews it is the Moshiach, for Christians it is the second coming of Christ, and for some Muslims it is the Mahdi. The third stage, and the most dangerous, usually only opened up to people in certain levels of power within the establishment politically, religiously, or militarily-wise, is becoming one who actively “pushes for the apocalypse.” Every stage is a different level of indoctrination of the original delusion. Ideas have consequences, positive and negative, that cannot always be predicted.

For anyone with eyes, it is easy to see that the actions of Israel and specifically Netanyahu over the past few years and culminating in the past few weeks is the mentality of someone “pushing for an apocalypse.” His actions are not just the desperate last gasps of a politician trying to save his position and legacy in Israel, his actions are the desperate last gasps of an individual who has spent every waking hour of his life plotting and pushing for the apocalypse to occur, which would also supposedly bring about his Moshiach. He can not fathom that all of his life’s work will have been for naught. He cannot possibly fathom that in all of the aggressive attacks against Iran, Syria, and Russia over the course of the last year not a single one would retaliate or respond back with hostility. He knows that he can not go on a full offensive because of the weakness of Israel’s public image.

In any other time in history, if we were not connected 24/7 to the internet which allows complete knowledge of war by a general or commander, the leader of a country would be forced to respond because of a lack of full battlefield knowledge, as well as the greater potential threat to the survival of the country itself. We live in a different day and age however. Iran has not struck Israel because it knows Israel does not threaten, nor can it threaten, the survival of the country itself. It seems that the Russians, Syrians, and Iranians have known the game plan of Netanyahu and Israel, as well as Trump and every president before him. Thus they are many steps ahead.

For Netanyahu, there never was going to be a Middle East peace plan. Trump and Kushner were supposed to deliver a plan, but the plan was to not need a plan from the beginning thus Israel has never been serious about wanting peace. Soon, we will have to rebuild society more or less from the ground up with or without the physical apocalypse occurring.

Primary “Behind the Scenes” Reason for the Iranian Revolution

Historians have grappled with the causes and reasons for the Iranian Revolution for 40 years now. There have been no exact answers to this vexing question, but I would like to offer what I consider to be the true “behind the scenes” reason that the revolution took place.

The 1979 revolution in Iran had nothing to do with setting up an Islamic Republic. It had everything to do with setting up a regime with an Islamic ideology that was similar to the “end time” eschatological ideology of the Jewish and Christian leaders of the West and Israel. The revolution in Iran was far from an organic one. It was externally created and guided with the primary goal of the plotters to institute a similar delusional leadership that could one day be used to bring the fight against Israel directly. Because the semblance of the apocalypse is near, Israel must feel confident now that Iran has enough high-level religious extremists in power to go along with their planned “theatrical play” war. This plan will not work if only the Israelis, as well as the US president and vice president, are convinced and ready to proceed. They had to have a corresponding Islamic country who would also believe the same ideology and they had to build this country up to a specific level that would make it a big enough threat to cause some form of destruction. That is pretty much the history of modern Iran.

All of the puzzle pieces have now been aligned. You have Iran perfectly set up for their role of invasion or attack. Netanyahu acts like the boxer throwing small punches and whispering to his opponent Iran, “Come on! Aren’t you stupid? Hit me!” They have always been in on it together even if the majority of the population of Iran was never fully aware of what is going on, or the common Israelis who were indoctrinated into hating Iran and preparing for full out war. Historians have always asked why the Iranian revolution occurred and I believe one day they will prove that this explanation was the ultimate “behind the scenes” reason for the overthrow of the Shah who did not carry the same eschatological beliefs.

Window of Opportunity

Right now, more than any other time, there is a window of opportunity for this malevolent plan to be carried through. But this is also the window of opportunity for humanity to be freed from this scourge of delusion upon humanity. Thus it’s a very serious and precarious time indeed. This may be our only time in history to once and for all end the delusional idea of an apocalypse occurring, as well as a savior coming to save us. We cannot let it go to waste.

One major weapon in this fight can be the push for individuality over the collective. To do this, one must consider oneself totally separate from their religion and/or nation. Sure I was born a Christian, but I do not consider that to be who I am, nor do I owe any sort of allegiance to Christianity. I was born an American, but I do not believe that I owe an allegiance to the United States. I am white, but I do not owe allegiance to other white people. I am an individual first and foremost and I will stand alone if need be.

Just as millions upon millions of immigrants came from other countries to the United States and became Americans because they believed the US was in the right, we as Americans can do the same even if there is not another country that fully stands in the “right” at this moment. Originally the U.S. protected individual rights above all, but this is no longer the case.

US, Israel, and Iran all have to be in a perfect position before the trigger can be pulled.

I must make it clear that just because Mueller and the Senate intelligence committee has come to the conclusion that there wasn’t collusion by Russia to get Trump and Pence elected, they have never conclusively denied that the Israelis didn’t collude to get them elected. If you add up all the puzzle pieces it is easy to see that Israel colluded to bring Trump and Pence into office. Having an Israel/Jewish-supporting president and a Christian Zionist Vice President were the last keys that Israel and the global establishment needed before they could go through with their final “end game” plans.

Last week Trump came out to condemn the US intelligence service saying they were “naive” about Iran and Pence came out this week and pushed the narrative that Iran was about to commit a “second holocaust” upon Israel. If you look at my article from last year, I specifically noted that Israel was actually pushing Iran to mount a full-scale attack upon Israel, which would potentially create a new Holocaust. Their end goal even then seemed to be the apocalypse and/or merging with the United States. I still believe this annexation or take over of the U.S. by stealth is an end goal or backup plan.

It is easy to see that Israel wants a war to start. They are pushing their enemies to attack them. If their enemies do not attack, Israel is not strong enough in their public image to attack first. Thus as long as the enemies of Israel do not attack, it is only a matter of time before 1. The Fall of Netanyahu, which may or may not simultaneously lead to the fall of Trump and Pence, and 2. The collapse of the “push-for-apocalypse” mindset.

Iran has always been the false enemy of Israel. Israel actually in many ways created modern Iran to have a “mortal enemy” which would justify Israel doing whatever they wanted in their own country and the Middle East. It is a common tactic that was also employed by the U.S. with Soviet Russia. Whatever the future is between Iran and Israel, it has been planned by the religious extremists’ planners themselves for years and decades before. They have the ability to allow Iran to crush Israel if they want or vice-versa have Israel crush Iran. It is really whatever works best for them in the end. It is not far-fetched AT ALL to say that Israel would detonate a nuke on itself to blame on Iran. This would give them their desired “second holocaust” as well as much needed support from surrounding countries. It would give authority to the U.S. president and community to “welcome in” the Israeli refugees into the United States. I argue that this was their plan all along. By allowing Israel to be destroyed they can then come and merge with the U.S. fully. This process is already underway in so many sectors of society.

What Can Happen Now

Thus after all that has been discussed, we find ourselves here at the verge of a major precipice. We can either take the red pill or the blue pill.

There are two main paths that can happen now.

  1. The first path is that they will attempt to go through with their plan, which is some sort of break out of war. Either Iran will attack outright or some sort of false flag operation will be blamed on Iran, which will give Israel and the US justification for attacking Iran openly and in a total war state. This will be their end game. At this point, there will be nothing that can hold them back from pushing this to the logical fulfillment. An apocalyptic scenario. Their window of opportunity is now and it is quickly passing. They will likely become more and more desperate, but this will also lead them to make mistakes. These mistakes might create some sort of mix of the two paths where some destruction will be created, but not enough to be worthy of the title of the apocalypse. If this path occurs we will have to build anew based upon what is left, but it will likely be under their new entrenched “false reality,” which will have to be broken once again.
  2. The second path will be that nothing happens. If this occurs, I foresee Netanyahu either being defeated in the polls or indicted and sent to prison. He is a lynchpin for this entire plan to unfold. If Iran and Israel do not go to war, their window of opportunity will have been missed. If this path comes, the world will go on and we will have to build anew from the hollow structure that was built purposefully to fall. I would assume that those who took part in this plan will try to hide their involvement, but we must not let them. They must be held accountable. This type of monumental plan can never happen again. The world has been destroyed by the false song of this delusional goal for too long.

Either way, we must build a new world from this point forth. It will either be under their leadership based upon a “false reality and narrative” that will last far into the future or it will be under a new reality, with new non-compromised and non-delusional leadership that is more aligned with truth, justice, honor, and brotherhood for all. We must learn to be completely objective about even the most sensitive of topics. Being objective means being willing to be self-reflective of our own religions and groups that we are born into.

Religions should be adaptable. They should evolve. Islam originally evolved into many forms. Christianity as well. Judaism has refused to evolve past their uncompromising desire for their Moshiach to arrive. Thus it has led to the point we are at now. They have taken a hard stand and said, “You are either with us or against us.” Their rabbinical leadership has entrenched itself and refuses to believe that they must change their ways. It seems that they have no ability to be objective or to imagine that they could possibly be wrong.

Proactively Removing Delusional Leaders from Holding Power

My greatest worry now is coming through this point with nothing actually occurring and having everyone that took a part in knowingly and actively “pushing for the apocalypse” just walking away and acting as if they did nothing wrong because nothing happened. In essence, they will live with themselves and think they were right to do what they did and that sometime in the future their ancestors will succeed. This “walking away”, but with the same belief, might actually occur. On the other hand, perhaps they consciously never planned on having any form of apocalypse and did all of this from the beginning until now purely to gain power and control. I think this second idea is less likely however. Either way, this will be the definition of “kicking the can down the road,” in order to once again “push for the apocalypse” at a future date. We cannot let this happen.

This article is written with the intention to wake people up to this travesty and to persuade these types of religious extremist thinkers to change their ways and minds. There are only two ways to change someone, by force and by persuasion. The use of force has been tried multiple times to combat religious extremism. It is easy to see now that the Jews are strengthened when someone tries to force them into submission or to exterminate them. The same goes for Christians, they are strengthened and their numbers multiply when they are threatened with violence. And lastly, it is the same with Muslims. Thus, this is not an attempt by me to physically force anyone to change their ideology, nor is it a call for anyone else to use force on religious extremists. This is my attempt to persuade these extremists to the folly of their ways and to take fault in the damage that has been caused upon our earth and humanity. If even one person can change, then others can as well. This is my hope.

As a country, Israel has never been stronger militarily-wise and yet their public image is as weak as it has ever been. As a country, Israel has no idea what it really wants. The very fact that they lost the Syrian Civil war, shows their imperialistic ambitions have been halted. Iraq has strengthened and regathered itself. The public opinion is turning on Israel across the world. The leaders of Israel WANT Iran or Russia to attack Israel. That is, in essence, it’s only chance of survival. They will turn to the U.S. like always. If they are destroyed, they will attempt to BECOME the U.S.

Thus, because of these reasons, the chances for a major false flag are only increasing to give them a chance for keeping control. Just because Israel is the tinier of evils, does not make them the lesser of evils.

Christians must be objective about Judaism and the relationships between the United States and Israel. They must not blindly support Israel because of their own religious beliefs about the second coming of Christ. Muslims should wake up to the fact that they are being manipulated into a war that no one can win.

My Final Wish

I ask for every individual who has some ability to pick between the first path and the second and who has some ability to either push for or prevent the apocalypse to choose the latter. This is my attempt to persuade you that forcing prophecy and creating catastrophe is not God’s desire for us. I humbly ask those in the intelligence, political, and religious spheres who have some modicum of power to choose peace and brotherhood and not war and division.

The only way to make a real change is to inject oneself into the public domain. If one is strong enough, it doesn’t matter what one has done in the past, nor who his enemies are, nor is their such thing as bad press. The decision must be made to inject oneself into the public domain, stand with the truth, fight for justice and let the cards fall where they may. Time is truly of the essence.

Thank you for your time spent reading this.

“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” -Evelyn Beatrice Hall



Graff's Place
Graff's Place

Written by Graff's Place

True intelligence helps society by teaching what the most important subjects are to be intelligent about.

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